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Baked Sweet Potatoes w/ Everything Bagel Seasoning

If you're like me, then you LOVE sweet potatoes.  They are considered a super-food, and they are certainly one of my favorites.  They are a good source of fiber, and are full of vitamins and minerals.  Beta-Carotene is the antioxidant that gives them their bright orange color (also known as vitamin K).  I always suggest adding them into your diet if you find yourself hungry after meals, as they help keep you feeling full longer.  Here's my favorite way to eat them!


  • Sweet potatoes
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt/Pepper, Garlic powder, Everything Bagel Seasoning


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit 
  • Wash and dry sweet potatoes, keep the skin on
  • Cut the ends off of the potatoes and them cut them lengthwise into long strips.  Try and keep them the same size, so they cook evenly.
  • Arrange the sweet potatoes in a metal baking pan and drizzle with olive oil.  Then use your hands to cover each slice (top and bottom) with the oil.
  • Season them with the Everything Bagel Seasoning first, then with a little salt/pepper and garlic powder.
  • Bake for approximately 25-30 minutes in the oven.  Test them with a fork to see how cooked they are.  If the fork pierces the potato easily then they are done.
  • Side note: The everything bagel seasoning can be found at Trader Joes, and Aldi just started selling their own version as well.

I eat these right out of the oven with the skin on.  If you don't eat the skin, then you miss out on many vitamins and minerals.  Side note: This recipe was adapted and inspired by Song of Style.

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