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Perfect soft boiled eggs

Eggs are a HUGE staple in my diet.  They are protein packed and are full of Vitamin A & B and folate, to name a few.  They are also relatively inexpensive, versatile and easy to cook.  I buy the organic cage free eggs from Aldi.  Since I've been working from home instead of going into the office, I've been having eggs for lunch at least one day a week.  Here are the steps I take to make the perfect soft boiled eggs.


  • Boil water
  • Once water is boiling, gently lower the eggs into the water (make sure they are submerged)
  • Cook on high for 7 minutes and 15 seconds
  • Once your timer is up, dump the water and run the eggs under cold water for at least a minute
Soft boiled eggs

That's it!!  Super fast and easy.  I like to pair soft boiled eggs with avocado toast, sautéed spinach, and fruit.  I sprinkle the eggs with sea salt and pepper.  The avocado toast is topped with Everything Bagel Seasoning, which is also from Aldi.

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