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Sweet Potato & Carrot Mash for kids

When my first son was born, nearly 7 years ago, I started making some of his baby food when he first started eating solids.  We started introducing solids at about 6 months of age.  I breastfed all my boys until they were a year, but I liked to start letting them try solid foods here and there, even though they were getting all of their nutrients from my milk.  My boys are now 7, 5, and 1 and a half and I'm still making this for all of them.  Its a good way for them to get their veggies in and its a nice little side dish to have stored in the freezer. 




  • 5-6 Sweet potatoes (washed, but keep the skin on)
  • 6-8 Carrots (peeled and chopped)
  • You can add as much as you want of each veggie.  I usually just use whatever I have on hand.


  • Wash the sweet potatoes (skin on), then slice off the ends or yucky bits.  Slice them in 1" chunks, so the skin can be easily removed after they are cooked.
  • Peel and chop the carrots
  • Boil a large pot of water, and once boiled, add all the veggies
  • Cook over high heat for roughly 15 minutes
  • Once the veggies are soft and can be easily pierced with a fork, drain almost all of the water and let them cool in the pot.
  • When they are cooled remove and discard all of the skin from the sweet potatoes.
  • Put all the veggies and some of the water you used to boil them into your blender (I use a Vitamix) and blend until smooth.
  • After they are blended I put them into a freezer safe container for future use.
  • If you don't have one of these containers you can also use an ice cube tray.


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