My Skin Journey
I've decided now that I'm getting closer and closer to 40 (I'm 38) that its time to start looking after my skin better. Unfortunately I spent my teenage years and my 20's baking in the sun, usually without sunblock... Luckily I started wearing it in my 30's, but a lot of damage was already done. Besides having premature wrinkles I also have a lot of sun spots, which seemed to get worse with each baby. I thought maybe it was Melasma, but the dermatologist didn't think so. In February 2021 I decided that it was time to see a dermatologist and see what my options were. She prescribed two different creams for me to use at night, Hydroquinone & Tretinoin. She emphasized that these creams would make my skin super sensitive and that it was imperative that I wear sunblock any time I went outside. I'm also NOT supposed to use them in summer.